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  1. LunaticFade LunaticFade

    Yachting Monthly does great reviews, this one is no exception, but that
    music….I feel like at any moment a handlebar mustached porn star is going
    to step in and say “I know what forward berths are good for;)”

  2. McBlemmen . McBlemmen .

    3:10 why would you need a salt water tap?

  3. mrtreeboy222 mrtreeboy222

    4:02, pfffft.

  4. DavidMichaelCox DavidMichaelCox

    Very thorough review of the boat with a lot of nice details.

  5. Josh Josh

    Just searched my last name in on youtube and this video came up, Woooo I
    have a boat company lmao

  6. Stephen Luta Stephen Luta

    fan-freakin’-tastic! ;))) video review.

  7. Ricardo Lucas Ortiz Ricardo Lucas Ortiz

    Congratulations on the note, very good boat, furniture hardware loved me,
    and bow settled bed (1 or 2 places) many simple solutions, power seat angle
    graduate of the navigation table, a thousand details. Ricardo from Buenos
    Aires, Argentina Muy buen barco, los herrajes de los muebles me encantaron,
    como solucionaron la cama de proa (1 o 2 plazas) muchas soluciones
    sencillas, el poder graduar el angulo del asiento de la mesa de navegacion,
    mil detalles. Ricardo desde Buenos Aires, Argentina

  8. pelge50 pelge50


  9. DavidMichaelCox DavidMichaelCox

    Excellent descriptive video

  10. Ex27evolutio Ex27evolutio

    Awesome jams for the video, if someone were in the same room while this was
    playing they’d think the video was totally something else 😉

  11. 666devilknight 666devilknight

    nice looking boat, until you go below.

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